I figured it out. Thanks for your help.
Eric Evans
Digital Data Services LLC.
From: Staniforth, Paul <P.Staniforth@leedsbeckett.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 10:53 AM
To: eevans@digitaldatatechs.com; users@ovirt.org
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: assign a specific user to a specific vm
When you look at the permissions tab for a VM you will see all the permissions and roles for users & groups, if it is an inherited permission it will show what object it is applied to e,g, database/cluster. You need to remove any that aren't appropriate.
Paul S.
From: eevans@digitaldatatechs.com <eevans@digitaldatatechs.com>
Sent: 17 April 2020 15:42
To: Staniforth, Paul <P.Staniforth@leedsbeckett.ac.uk>; users@ovirt.org <users@ovirt.org>
Subject: RE: [ovirt-users] Re: assign a specific user to a specific vm
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I guess I need to clarify; when a user logs in to the vm portal, I only want them to see the machine assigned to them and have the ability to operate it.
How do I set the permission on a per user per vm basis to ensure the user has the same vm every time they login and that’s all they see is their vm.
That’s what I’m trying to accomplish.
Good example: In vmware, you can assign a specific user to a specific machine so that is there machine and that’s all they see.
Eric Evans
Digital Data Services LLC.
From: Staniforth, Paul <P.Staniforth@leedsbeckett.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 5:16 AM
To: eevans@digitaldatatechs.com; users@ovirt.org
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: assign a specific user to a specific vm
Hello Eric,
It sounds like you have permissions set to a group at some level, these are hierarchical system->datacenter->cluster->VM
if you remove this permission and then set the userrole for the VM they should only be allowed to run this VM.
Paul S.
From: eevans@digitaldatatechs.com <eevans@digitaldatatechs.com>
Sent: 16 April 2020 19:11
To: users@ovirt.org <users@ovirt.org>
Subject: [ovirt-users] assign a specific user to a specific vm
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I'm not sure if I'm missing something or not, but I haven't seen how to assign a specific user to a specific vm. Is there a way to do that? When users login, they see all the machines. I'd like them to see just the one they need to login to.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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