in the past when I was in 4.3.7 I used this file:
to bypass the default of 30 minutes at that time.
I updated in steps to 4.3.8 (in February), 4.3.9 (in April) and 4.3.10 (in July).
Due to an error on my side I noticed that the task for which I extended the ansible timeout (this task I didn't execute anymore in latest months) fails with timeout after 80 minutes indeed.
With the intent to extend again the custom timeout I went to /usr/share/ovirt-engine/services/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.conf, provided by ovirt-engine-backend-
and actually I see this inside:
# Specify the ansible-playbook command execution timeout in minutes. It's used for any task, which executes
# AnsibleExecutor class. To change the value permanentaly create a conf file 99-ansible-playbook-timeout.conf in
# /etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/
and the file seems the original provided, not tampered:
[root@ovmgr1 test_backup]# rpm -qvV ovirt-engine-backend- | grep virt-engine.conf$
......... /usr/share/ovirt-engine/services/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.conf
[root@ovmgr1 test_backup]#
So the question is: has the default intended value passed to 120 in 4.3.10 (or in any version after 4.3.7)?