Hi All,

First of all, let me say a Happy New Year with all the best wishes!!

Now, let's get down to business :-).

I would lik eto implement the Affinity option in our datacenter.
I already activated it, put the 2 vms in it and set in on negative so they won't run together on the same hypervisor. Now, the question...
Is there a way I can force the VM's so they will run on a hypervisor that is not in the same datacenter? We have this;

Hyp1 -> Datacenter1
Hyp2 -> Datacenter2
Hyp3 -> Datacenter1
Hyp4 -> Datacenter2

For the moment they run on a different Hypervisor, but they are in the same Datacenter. I can manually now move them to the other one, but I would like this that oVirt manages this...
Is this possible...?

Kind regards,
