Hi all

I'm trying to run ovirt-dr generate but its failing:
/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/redhat/rhv/roles/disaster_recovery/files/ovirt-dr generate
Log file: '/tmp/ovirt-dr-1649673243333.log'
[Generate Mapping File] Connection to setup has failed. Please check your credentials:
 URL: https://server.fqdn/ovirt-engine/api
 user: admin@internal
 CA file: ./ca.pem
[Generate Mapping File] Failed to generate var file.

When I examine the log file:
2022-04-11 18:34:03,332 INFO Start generate variable mapping file for oVirt ansible disaster recovery
2022-04-11 18:34:03,333 INFO Site address: https://server.fqdn/ovirt-engine/api
username: admin@internal
password: *******
ca file location: ./ca.pem
output file location: ./disaster_recovery_vars.yml
ansible play location: ./dr_play.yml
2022-04-11 18:34:03,343 ERROR Connection to setup has failed. Please check your credentials:
 URL: https://server.fqdn/ovirt-engine/api
 user: admin@internal
 CA file: ./ca.pem
2022-04-11 18:34:03,343 ERROR Error: Error while sending HTTP request: (60, 'SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate')
2022-04-11 18:34:03,343 ERROR Failed to generate var file.

My suspicion is that the script doesn't like third party certs.

Has anyone got this working with third party certs?  If so, what did you need to do?
