Il giorno mer 16 feb 2022 alle ore 10:22 Yedidyah Bar David <> ha scritto:
On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 6:48 PM Gianluca Merlo <> wrote:
> Hi Jonas,
> I would like to say that I also have a 4.4 HE ( that I am trying to upgrade to the latest one, and have this issue. I read through
> but did not manage to get out of the issue. I tried:
> - yum remove ovirt-release44
> - Download and install manually (rpm -i)
> After this I have regained a functional package manager on the engine. However trying to go further in the update procedure ( running
>     engine-upgrade-check
> fails with
> > OK:   Downloaded CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream
> > FAIL: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist
> > Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist
> So I am stuck in wait of a comment from someone more knowledgeable too!

Did you upgrade the machine to CentOS Stream? CentOS Linux archives are gone.

No, I did not do anything apart from trying to fix sources set up from ovirt-release44. May I ask if you could share some guidance on the process? I can see that various third parties provide their "guide" on how to perform the migration, the most "neutral" one I could find is

but I am having a hard time finding any "official" documentation from CentOS or oVirt. May I also ask if this is the way to do it on Hosted Engine (not standalone) deployments, or may it be that there are easier ways to accomplish this in this scenario (e.g. redeployment from newer image)? It would be nice to know if there is any documentation I missed on how to best handle the Centos 8 -> Centos 8 Stream conversion in my case (which is hosted engine on ovirt-node hosts).
Good luck and best regards,

Thank you and everyone in advance for your help.