On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 11:54 AM, Angel R. Gonzalez <angel.gonzalez@uam.es> wrote:

I can't edit/remove/modify a VM. Always show a message:
    "Cannot remove VM. Related operation is currently in progress. Please try again later"

That means that the VM is locked using an in-memory lock (rather than in the database, so the script for unlocking entities would not help here).
The message you get was deprecated, when a lock is taken before executing a long operation we generate a more informative message.
So that is almost certainly caused by a bug, we have fixed various bugs that could have lead to that.
What version of oVirt do you use? Could you share the engine.log that covers the latest operation that was made on this VM?
Anyway, restarting the engine would most probably release the lock of that VM and allow removing it.

I also used REST API
curl -k -u admin@internal:passwd -X DELETE https://engine/ovirt-engine/api/vms/XXXXXXXX
and the output message is the same.

Yeah, it doesn't matter what client you use since this error is generated on the back-end side.

How to can execute actions over the VM, or how to remove it from Cluster?

Thanks in advance.

Ángel González.
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