On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Shahar Havivi <shaharh@redhat.com> wrote:

You are using a static IP which can be a problem on creating multiple VMs.
In this case you will need to run cloud-init on each created VM with a new
static IP or DHCP.

yes, I understand your point.
But my contingent need is to temporary setup a bunch of "fat" (8Gb of ram and 2 cores) clients that have to stress a RAC DB in several ways (concurrent HammerDB, load balancing and failover tests, ecc...)
They have to stay on a test network not under my control and where there is not a dhcp server and I'm not allowed to set up one.
So I have only a pool of Ip addresses on this network. I will start with 2-3 clients, but then it could be that I need to instantiate also tenths of them.
I have not so many resources and time to setup a more engineered provisioning system (Foreman, Puppet, ManageIQ, ecc...) at least at this time.
Coming back to CentOS 7 template, I made some combinations and finally I found that the best result is obtained with NetworkManager enabled on the source template from which I create the VM with cloud-init.
It would be nice to have a sort of translation to a user-data (or similar...) file when I compose my cloud-init settings for a new vm inside the gui, so that I can duplicate further similar instantiations from oVirt CLI or other scripted commands, bypassing the web gui.
I'm not so acquainted with cloud-init in general and with its implementation in oVirt. If there is any useful link for this kind of task or a suggestion to pass a file for VM creation is welcome.

Thanks again anyway,