Thanks.  That helps.  The config is now dumping some data where it wasn't before.  I'll check out the aaa function.  How do we manage domains such as export, etc. from the command line since the aaa seems to handle mainly users.  The manage-domains still tells me the export domain I 'm using doesn't exist <G>.

On Tue, 2016-04-05 at 09:09 +0300, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 4:33 AM, Brett I. Holcomb <> wrote:
I've been playing these and wondering what these really do. I know engine-iso-uploader and engine-image-uploader really work since I've used them but the others don't do anything useful or give me wrong information. I'm running these on the Engine VM in a hosted-engine deployment with version 3.64. engine-config list outputs nothing at all. I won't try the others yet.
Please check 'engine-config -h', and also:
engine-manage-domains edit --domain=Adomain simply tells me the the domain adomain does not exist and it's converted it all to lowercas
This is mostly obsoleted by aaa: Best,