I guess that you can use a direct rule for allowing any traffic to the nested VM.

As far as I know the nested oVirt is not working nice and it's easier to test with a single VM with KVM.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
В 01:07 +0100 на 23.12.2020 (ср), wodel youchi написа:

We have an HCI plateforme based upon 4.4.3 version.
We activated the use of nested kvm and we reinstalled all the nodes to be able to use it.

Then we created a new nested HCI on top of the physical HCI to test ansible deployment.
The deployment went well until the phase which adds the two other nodes (the two other virtualized hypervisors), but the VM-Manager couldn't add them.

After investigation, we found that the nested VM-Manager could not communicate except with it's first virtualized hypervisor.

To make the nested VM-Manager capable of communicating with the outside world, we had to stop firewalld on the physical node of the HCI.

Any ideas?


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