Hi Carl,

     Below are the steps to configure back end network which is glusternw.

1) create a new network called 'glusternw'
2) Now go to clusters  tab and select Logical networks tab.
3) You should see the newly created network there.
4) select the network and click on 'Manage Networks'
5) In Manage networks window for the newly created network select both 'Migration' & glusternw and click ok.
6) Now go to the hosts tab click on one host and select 'Network Interfaces' tab.
7) select the interface to which you would like to assign the backend network, drag and drop glusternw to that interface and click ok
8) You will see that network is now out of sync.
9) Please click refresh capabilities which will bring the network online.

Hope this helps !!


On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 5:33 AM, carl langlois <crl.langlois@gmail.com> wrote:
HI all,

I am trying to add second network for back-end traffic. My setup is a 3 hosts running with gluster storage in 3+1 replicat. Now i am trying to add a second network with the UI and when i try to had a the host interface to the new network it is always failing and i lost communication with this host.  I am not sure what are the step to add a second network with already 3 Host in the cluster.

My setup us 4.2.

Any inputs would be appreciated.


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