I was able to reconstrruct the dom_md/metadata file except for the _sha_cksum line,  so I guess I'll try to  follow the sanlick direct init  and then reattach the domain.

On 18 October 2016 at 14:00, Alastair Neil <ajneil.tech@gmail.com> wrote:
I have an ovirt 4 cluster. with two gluster storage domains.  The old domain is on a 1G network and the new one is on 10G.  While migrating disks I accidentally removed the dom_md  directory  in the new storage domain. 

Is there a process to recreate this directory.  I have moved about 28 disk images, the domain is marked as down but the VM with disks in there are still up.

I have seen examples of rebuilding the dom_md/ids file using sanlock direct init, but I do not know if it is possible to rebuild the entire directory this way, and before I commit myself so shutting down all the hosts I'd like to make sure there us a good chance of success,

If this is not possible is there a way of importing the disk images , I tried copying them to the export domain but they do not show up in the imports.
