Hi all,


  I run an oVirt installation (50+ hosts, 40+ FC storage domains on two all-flash arrays) and experienced a problem accessing single storage domains.


As a result, hosts were taken “not operational” because they could not see all storage domains, SPM started to move around the hosts.


oVirt messages start with:

2019-11-04 15:10:22.739+01 | VDSM HOST082 command SpmStatusVDS failed: (-202, 'Sanlock resource read failure', 'IO timeout')

2019-11-04 15:10:22.781+01 | Invalid status on Data Center <name>. Setting Data Center status to Non Responsive (On host HOST82, Error: General Exception).

2019-11-04 15:13:58.836+01 | Host HOST017 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:58.85+01  | Host HOST005 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:58.85+01  | Host HOST012 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:58.851+01 | Host HOST002 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:58.851+01 | Host HOST010 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:58.851+01 | Host HOST011 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:58.852+01 | Host HOST004 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) HOST_LUN_204 attached to the Data Center <name>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.011+01 | Host HOST017 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.238+01 | Host HOST004 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.249+01 | Host HOST005 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.255+01 | Host HOST012 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.273+01 | Host HOST002 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.279+01 | Host HOST010 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:13:59.386+01 | Host HOST011 cannot access the Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center <UNKNOWN>. Setting Host state to Non-Operational.

2019-11-04 15:15:14.145+01 | Storage domain HOST_LUN_221 experienced a high latency of 9.60953 seconds from host HOST038. This may cause performance and functional issues. Please consult your Storage Administrator.


The problem mainly affected two storage domains (on the same array) but I also saw single messages for other storage domains (one the other array as well).


Storage domains stayed available to the hosts, all VMs continued to run.


When constantly reading from the storage domains (/bin/dd iflag=direct if=<metadata>  bs=4096 count=1 of=/dev/null) we got expected 20+ MBytes/s on all but some storage domains. One of them showed “transfer rates” around 200 Bytes/s, but went up to normal performance from time to time. Transfer rate to this domain was different between the hosts.


/var/log/messages contain qla2xxx abort messages on almost all hosts. There are no errors on SAN switches or storage array (but vendor is still investigating). I did not see high load on the storage array.


The system seemed to stabilize when I stopped all VMs on the affected storage domain and this storage domain became “inactive”. Currently, this storage domain still is inactive and we cannot place it in maintenance mode (“Failed to deactivate Storage Domain”) nor activate it. OVF Metadata seems to be corrupt as well (failed to update OVF disks <id>, OVF data isn't updated on those OVF stores). The first six 512 byte blocks of /dev/<id>/metadata seem to contain only zeros.


Any advice on how to proceed here?

Is there a way to recover this storage domain?


All the best,
