Hey All,Since updating to 4.0.x of oVirt, I have had an issue with my hosted engine. After a some poking around, I think I have figured out my issue and thought I would share to see what others think.The issue has existed with 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3, and still exists in 4.0.4.Description:When my hosted engine starts it reports that it is in a degraded state with 7 or 8 services still not started when I run systemctl status. It takes about 6 or 7 minutes to eventually start all the services and come online. If I don't set my cluster to Global-Maintenance mode it eventually thinks that my hosted-engine needs to be rebooted and restarts it before it can start everything.
Solution:I realized that Apache was the culprit and found that the proxy to the ovirt-engine in /etc/httpd/conf.d/z-ovirt-engine-proxy.conf has a super long timeout with many retries. I changed the settings and now everything works for me. -> Before change:<LocationMatch ^/(ovirt-engine($|/)|api($|/)|RHEVManagerWeb/| OvirtEngineWeb/|ca.crt$| engine.ssh.key.txt$|rhevm.ssh. key.txt$)> ProxyPassMatch ajp:// timeout=3600 retry=5<IfModule deflate_module>AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript text/css text/html text/xml text/json application/xml application/json application/x-yaml</IfModule></LocationMatch>-> After change:<LocationMatch ^/ovirt-engine($|/)>ProxyPassMatch ajp:// timeout=5 retry=2<IfModule deflate_module>AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript text/css text/html text/xml text/json application/xml application/json application/x-yaml</IfModule></LocationMatch>
If I read the timeout settings correctly, it will wait 60 minutes with 5 retries. 5 hours is way too long for my little server to hold onto all those apache processes.
The change I made allows for there to be an error, and also releases apache's hold on the process. Once everything is ready, apache is ready to serve requests and everything/everyone is happy. Before making the change, I just get a whitescreen in my browser and then nothing works until I restart Apache (or I end up in an endless loop of ovirt-ha services restarting my hosted-engine.
I noticed that this setting reverts to the original setting, so oVirt must be writing this file. Perhaps these number can be changed in oVirt? If not, I will just setup and ansible play to revert the settings with working values and restart apache on my engine.:-)
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