On Sat, Sep 22, 2018, 02:56 Marcelo Leandro <marceloltmm@gmail.com> wrote:

I am have a problem, after try delete um live snapshot I had this msg:

General command validation failure.

In snapshot disks in tab of storage the disk show ilegal.

show consult databases:

engine=# select snapshot_id,snapshot_type,status,description from snapshots wher                                                                                        e vm_id='1b48deed-5579-46d9-ac39-58bd96c266b5';
             snapshot_id              | snapshot_type | status |           descr
 848797d5-8b50-4ce1-941a-493c6ea3febd | NEXT_RUN      | OK     | Next Run config
uration snapshot
 75c120c8-6da6-4fbe-a5e0-1199238b37dc | REGULAR       | OK     | Backup da VM
 75aa791f-8b6e-4022-b80e-7fc82e6ece00 | ACTIVE        | OK     | Active VM
(3 rows)
engine=# select image_guid,parentid,imagestatus,vm_snapshot_id,volume_type,volum                                                                                        e_format,active from images where image_group_id='e0f60213-15e6-4910-9d13-c4f4dc                                                                                        ac337e';
              image_guid              |               parentid               | i
magestatus |            vm_snapshot_id            | volume_type | volume_format
| active
 46e2faf7-316e-4d15-bfb6-21d135837c41 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
         4 | 75c120c8-6da6-4fbe-a5e0-1199238b37dc |           2 |             4
| f
 3f9bf716-6410-431c-9133-d910f13d5cb6 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
         1 | 75aa791f-8b6e-4022-b80e-7fc82e6ece00 |           2 |             4
| t
(2 rows)

someone help me?
Seems related with https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1470055. The below workaround  could be useful:

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