Thank you Nir for the suggestion, but unfortunately I cannot find the resize button at all... :(Shout be the storage in maintenance or in use?
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:07 PM, Nir Soffer <> wrote:On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Arman Khalatyan <> wrote:1) Then on the target resized the exported volume to 13TB,After shutdown the vm I just detached storage and removed from the cluster and ovirt totally.Hi,I just have 1TB iscsi storage with virtual machine with several disks.
2) iscsiadm -m node -l on the host I resized
iscsiadm -m node -l
pvresize /dev/mapper/.....
iscsiadm -m node -uAfter importing back to the ovirt over the gui, I can see the vm is in the import field but I cannot see separate disksImporting failing in the stage "Executing".are there way to fix it?On the host with "lvs" I can see the disks are there.Hi Arman,You don't need to remove storage from ovirt to resize a LUN, and you don't needto resize the pv, we can do this for you.To resize a LUN:1. Resize the LUN on the storage server2. Open the "manage domain", dialog3. Select the LUN and click the "resize" button in the table(we should detect the new size and display button suggesting to add 11T)4. Click "OK"The system will make sure all hosts see the new size of the LUN, and thenit will resize the PV for you, and update engine database with the new LUNsize.Now, in your case, we don't have any information about the issue, but ifyou restart vdsm on the SPM host your issue may be resolved.If not, please attach engine and vdsm logs.Nir
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