On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 9:19 AM, <aleksey.maksimov@it-kb.ru> wrote:
Hello oVirt guru`s!

My Hosted Engine VM located on a dedicated LUN FC Storage.

I do daily data backups (on NFS share) with the command:

/usr/bin/engine-backup --mode=backup --scope=all --file=$BcpFileName.xz --log=$BcpFileName.log --archive-compressor=xz --files-compressor=None

However, I don't know what would be the correct procedure to recover, because in different manuals outline the various steps.

For example, there is information that I have to do configure postgresql (with password from file files/etc/ovirt-engine/engine.conf.d/10-setup-database.conf) before restoring (engine-backup --mode=restore):

The recent releases of engine-backup can do that for you.
Adding Didi here.

And at the same time, in another document, there are no such steps:

What should be the correct procedure for the recovery of Hosted Engine 4.0 ?
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