That sounds like a valid configuration. Edy, what do you think?

2018-10-26 16:24 GMT+02:00 <>:
Correct. On the host i have 1 management interface (ovirtmngmt) and 1 bonded pair of 10GB interfaces (bond0)

Under Networks I have created the following networks.
VLAN70 - Tagged with 70
20GBBond - no tagging

In the host I added both VLAN70 and 20GBBond via the Setup Network. I dragged the two networks interfaces and dropped on the bond0 nics.

I created two VMs and assigned interfaces.
Test1 - Attached VLAN70
I ping (the gateway) and it works.

Test2 - Attached 20GBBond and create a eth1.70 interface in the OS.
I can not ping, since VLAN70 is attached to Test1.
If I stop Test1, remove the VLAN70 and delete the VLAN70 network I can then ping from the eth1.70 interface on Test2.
However, both can not exist at the same time.
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