Got it, thank you for your information!

2018-03-22 17:33 GMT+08:00 Juan Hernández <>:
On 03/22/2018 04:40 AM, Shao-Da Huang wrote:
Hi Juan,

I saw the discussion in users-list:
and I'm curious about how to generate the Swagger specfication of existing
oVirt API (or maybe can generate by ovirt-engine-api-model?).
Could you give me some advices on the generating tools or maybe some points
to change during the procedure of building ovirt-engine?


The JSON file that I mentioned in that mail was generated using I tool that I started to write, but that I never finished. I just have uploaded the patch that adds it to the ovirt-engine-api-metamodel project:

  [WIP] Generate Swagger specification

Note that it is by no means complete, it is just an experiment. Take a look if you are curious.

Truth is that I don't plan to work on that. Would be nice if you can take it and complete it. If you complete it, then it could be integrated in the build process of the ovirt-engine-api-model project, so that it is generated automatically.