On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 3:00 PM Daniel Menzel <daniel.menzel@hhi.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
Hello Simone,
thanks for your reply.

> hosted-engine --vm-shutdown --vm-conf=/root/my_vm.conf

I came across that before but the syntax of this file is nebulous to me
as it looks like some kind of JSON?! How do I add the serial console
there? What's the syntax?

something adding like this should be enough:

and please remove xmlBase64= line if there since it contains the XML for libvirt as generated by the engine and that one, if there, wins over the dictionary for vdsm.

> As an alternative, VNC console should work as well; you can set VNC
> password with
> hosted-engine --add-console-password

I have tried this, too. The result was the following:

Command VM.updateDevice with args {'params': {'existingConnAction':
'keep', 'graphicsType': 'vnc', 'params': {}, 'ttl': '120', 'deviceType':
'graphics', 'password': '<mypwd>'}, 'vmID': '<vmid>'} failed:

(code=56, message=Failed to update device)

This sounds really weird.