Dear oVIrt,


We are relying on Templates more and more, which is great.

Images/templates built using “official” cloud images usually have 1CPU and 1GB of RAM.

Using this feature via Administration portal is super, since we can attach Instance_type to template to provide sufficient CPU and RAM, regardless of via UI or using Ansible.


Would it be possible to consider adding Instance_Type option to Create New VM options in VM Portal?

Haven’t tested yet, but is Instance_type supported via ovirt_vm ansible module, in case of EndUser privileges?


Kindly awaiting your reply.



— — —
Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Marko Vrgotic

Sr.  System Engineer @ System Administration
tel. +31 (0)35 677 4131

ActiveVideo BV

Mediacentrum 3741

Joop van den Endeplein 1

1217 WJ Hilversum