
I don’t think you can delete VMs if they have snapshots.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov 

On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 9:07 PM, anton.alymov--- via Users <users@ovirt.org> wrote:

Hi! I use ovirt rest api to start vm, backup vm and then remove vm.
I start vm, wait for vmstatus up, then  start backup, wait for starting, finalize, wait for succeeded, wait for disk unlock. Looks like backup is finished here from my side.Because ovirt repost succeed status and unlocks disk. But if i try shutdown and remove vm ovirt will throw error  Cannot remove VM. The VM is performing an operation on a Snapshot. Please wait for the operation to finish, and try again.
Ok, ovirt is right here, I see from web interface that operation hasn't finished yet. How can I obtain correct status where vm can be removed? I also tried to get info about vm snapshots but all of them had Status: ok
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