Thank you Sandro. I’m following the instructions over here:
I had to upgrade Postgres to version 10, on the SelfHosted Engine to proceed. Just followed the “remote database procedure” even without a remote DB.
I just have one more question: to do the jump from 4.3 to 4.5 on the engine the only way is restoring a backup right? Since 4.5 is based on EL8. I cannot do the yum update ovirt\*setup\* method right? Is there other way?
Also during the host upgrades, I understand that I can run oVirt Node 4.5 with Engine 4.2 (and now 4.3), which is awesome. But is there a path where I can upgrade the engine to the latest version and them move the hosts?
I have those questions because I can’t see where or when the OS upgrade will be done on the SHE during 4.3 -> 4.5.
Thank you.