בתאריך 16 בנוב׳ 2016 20:28,‏ "Gianluca Cecchi" <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> כתב:
> Hello,
> how is it supposed I consume Atomic images in the repository in subject?
> For example, I select 
> CentOS 7 Atomic Host Image v1609 for x86_64 (4cc949e)
> import
> and I have a disk
> I then create a VM with OS Red Hat Atomic 7.x and attach that disk to VM and connect network
> What have I to do to setup network, users and SSH keys on it?
> Run once --> Initial Run --> Select "Use Cloud Init"
> or what?

Yes, use cloud-init.
You can import the image directly as a template and then edit the template to add nics and cloud-init configuration.
(This way you can easily setup multipile preconfigured VMs from it. You don't have to use run-once for cloud-init).

> Does the image correspond to the qcow2 one downloadable from 
> http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/atomic/images/

> or does it contain any customization already related for deploying in oVirt itself?

No, its the exact same image.

Barak Korren.