On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 1:44 PM Strahil Nikolov <hunter86_bg@yahoo.com> wrote:

I would recommend you to put your customizations at '/etc/multipath/conf.d/<somename>.conf' (you have to create the dir), so vdsm can keep multipath.conf up to date.
For details check the header of multipath.conf

Here is mine:
# The recommended way to add configuration for your storage is to add a
# drop-in configuration file in "/etc/multipath/conf.d/<mydevice>.conf".
# Settings in drop-in configuration files override settings in this
# file.

Of course you need to rebuild dracut.

Hi and thanks.
The dir was already there because oVirt had put the vdsm_blacklist.conf  file blacklisting local disk:

# This file is managed by vdsm, do not edit!
# Any changes made to this file will be overwritten when running:
# vdsm-tool config-lvm-filter

blacklist {
    wwid "36d09466029914f0021e89c5710e256be"

I tried it, creating a 90-eql.conf file with only the device section (not indented.. correct?), but for some reason vdsm daemon didn't started correctly (restart too quickly) and the host kept staying in "non operational" mode....
So I reverted to a fully customized multipath.conf
Not sure if I put anything inside /etc/multipath/conf.d/ if I have to mark anyway the multipath.conf as PRIVATE or not....
