Hi Lars, you might find this email thread interesting: https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/thread/PXYAQ7YEBQCUWCAQCFAFXB3545LNB23X/Jayme is trying to solve pretty much the same problem as you - although he's using the Ansible approach instead of SDK. Feel free to join that conversation. At this point it seems like he might have found a good solution, but he needs to test it.JanOn Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 8:33 AM <lars.stolpe@bvg.de> wrote:hi,
I tryed this with API 4.2 and 4.3.
purpose of the following script is, to export a given list of vm as OVA one after another.
To reach that i need to monitor the job status and pause the script till the actual export is done.
The script works fine, but not the restriction of the returned jobs to the one spcificaly job i need to monitor.
Therefor the script pauses on *any* running job.
the working script:
import logging
import time
import ovirtsdk4 as sdk
import ovirtsdk4.types as types
connection = sdk.Connection(
hosts_service = connection.system_service().hosts_service()
hosts = hosts_service.list()[0]
vms_service = connection.system_service().vms_service()
vms = vms_service.list(search='name=blxlic954')
for vm in vms:
# print("%s (%s)" % (vm.name, vm.id))
vm_service = vms_service.vm_service(vm.id)
start_time = (time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime(int(time.time()))))
filename=('%s_backup_%s.ova' % (vm.name, start_time)),
# time.sleep(5)
jobs_service = connection.system_service().jobs_service()
jobs = jobs_service.list(search='')
for job in jobs:
print(job.id, job.description)
# job = jobs_service.job_service(job.id).get()
while job.status == types.JobStatus.STARTED:
job = jobs_service.job_service(job.id).get()
print('job-status: %s' % (job.status))
The line
jobs = jobs_service.list(search='')
works fine as long as the search pattern is empty.
if i try to restrict the results returned like this:
jobs = jobs_service.list(search='description=*blxlic954*')
i get an error:
bad sql grammar [select * from (select * from job where ( job id in (select distinct job.job id from job where ( ) )) order by start time asc) as t1 offset (1 -1) limit 2147483647]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: error: syntax error at or near ")"
looks like the 'where' clause is not filled correctly.
Am i wrong with my syntax or ist that a bug?
Is there another way to get the correct job id/status?
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