On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos@redhat.com> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Susinthiran Sithamparanathan <chesusin@gmail.com> wrote:

I did a quick debug in the VM and i think we are getting closer to the root cause:

It seems the SSL/TLS certs are all missing. Now i wonder which RPM package does contain these so that i can try to reinstall it.

Appreciate your help so far!

OK, the issue on the host is just here:
MainThread::DEBUG::2016-10-10 11:18:34,169::brokerlink::282::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(_communicate) Full response: success {"reason": "failed liveliness check", "health": "bad", "vm": "up", "detail": "up"}
MainThread::DEBUG::2016-10-10 11:18:34,169::brokerlink::255::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(_checked_communicate) Successful response from socket
MainThread::DEBUG::2016-10-10 11:18:34,170::brokerlink::151::ovirt_hosted_engine_ha.lib.brokerlink.BrokerLink::(get_monitor_status) Success, status {"reason": "failed liveliness check", "health": "bad", "vm": "up", "detail": "up"}

the engine VM goes up but the engine no and so after a certain amount of time it tries again with a reboot.
We should definitively add a more explicit log entry there!

Now the point is just why your engine is not starting.

Can you please upload you engine-setup logs from the engine VM?



On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos@redhat.com> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Yedidyah Bar David <didi@redhat.com> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Susinthiran Sithamparanathan
> <chesusin@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sure, here it is: https://my.owndrive.com/index.php/s/MFoFyKJVLjzezey
> The agent is periodically restarting the engine VM but from the logs I don't
> see why.

Also it keeps doing:

Yes, this is fine: by design ovirt-ha-agent periodically (about 30-40 seconds) reconnects the hosted-engine storage domain.
Initializing VDSM
Connecting the storage
Connecting storage server
Connecting storage server
Refreshing the storage domain
Preparing images
Preparing images

Does this make sense, Simone?

Please check/share also /var/log/vdsm/* . Thanks.

> Can you please set the agent in debug mode and share again its logs?
> You have to edit /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/agent-log.conf changing from
> [logger_root]
> level=INFO
> to
> [logger_root]
> level=DEBUG
> and then restart ovirt-ha-agent.
>> On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Doron Fediuck <dfediuck@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Can you please provide the HA agent logs?
>>> On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Susinthiran Sithamparanathan
>>> <chesusin@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i've been discussing this issue over at IRC (#ovirt on irc.oftc.net))
>>>> and was suggested to send an email with logs the ML.
>>>> The problem i have is that the HE is a loop getting up and down ( ( i
>>>> assume it's the HA trying to get it up) after upgrade to oVirt 4. I have a
>>>> couple of VMs i use daily with SPICE and remoteviewer and i hope to get them
>>>> up and running again. Due to this, i've put it in global maintenance mode.
>>>> I'm attaching the server log in the hope of getting some help and can
>>>> provide more details if needed to debug the issue further.
>>>> The log is too big for fpaste so it's to be found here:
>>>> https://my.owndrive.com/index.php/s/Gk4De1jy9fWmFa8 as well as attached
>>>> here.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> --
>>>> Susinthiran Sithamparanathan
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>> Susinthiran Sithamparanathan
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Susinthiran Sithamparanathan