Hi Samuli,

Let's first make sure the configuration is correct.
How did you configure the env? Did you use the automatic engine-setup configuration?

Can you please send me the output of the following:

on engine:
  ovn-sbctl show
  ovn-nbctl show

on hosts:
  ip addr
  ovs-vsctl show

The 'vdsm-tool ovn-config' command configures the ovn controller to use the first ip as the ovn central, and the local tunnel to use the second one.


On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 10:42 AM, Samuli Heinonen <samppah@neutraali.net> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm building a home lab using oVirt+GlusterFS in hyperconverged(ish) setup.

My setup consists of 2x nodes with ASRock H110M-STX motherboard, Intel Pentium G4560 3,5 GHz CPU and 16 GB RAM. Motherboard has integrated Intel Gigabit I219V LAN. At the moment I'm using RaspberryPi as Gluster arbiter node. Nodes are connected to basic "desktop switch" without any management available.

Hardware is nowhere near perfect, but it get its job done and is enough for playing around. However I'm having problems getting OVN to work properly and I'm clueless where to look next.

oVirt is setup like this:
oVirt engine host oe /
oVirt hypervisor host o2 /
oVirt hypervisor host o3 /
OVN network

When I spin up a VM in o2 and o3 with IP address in network everything works fine. VMs can interact between each other without any problems.

Problems show up when I try to use OVN based network between virtual machines. If virtual machines are on same hypervisor then everything seems to work ok. But if I have virtual machine on hypervisor o2 and another one on hypervisor o3 then TCP connections doesn't work very well. UDP seems to be ok and it's possible to ping hosts, do dns & ntp queries and so on.

Problem with TCP is that for example when taking SSH connection to another host at some point connection just hangs and most of the time it's not even possible to even log in before connectiong hangs. If I look into tcpdump at that point it looks like packets never reach destination. Also, if I have multiple connections, then all of them hang at the same time.

I have tried switching off tx checksum and other similar settings, but it didn't make any difference.

I'm suspecting that hardware is not good enough. Before investigating into new hardware I'd like to get some confirmation that everything is setup correctly.

When setting up oVirt/OVN I had to run following undocumented command to get it working at all: vdsm-tool ovn-config (oVirt engine IP, hypervisor IP). Especially this makes me think that I have missed some crucial part in configuration.

On oVirt engine in /var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server-nb.log there are error messages:
2018-05-06T08:30:05.418Z|00913|stream_ssl|WARN|SSL_read: unexpected SSL connection close
2018-05-06T08:30:05.418Z|00914|jsonrpc|WARN|ssl: receive error: Protocol error
2018-05-06T08:30:05.419Z|00915|reconnect|WARN|ssl: connection dropped (Protocol error)

To be honest, I'm not sure what's causing those error messages or are they related. I found out some bug reports stating that they are not critical.

Any ideas what to do next or should I just get better hardware? :)

Best regards,
Samuli Heinonen
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