On 28/09/2015 2:30 PM, Conrad Lawes wrote:
Is it possible to run esxi v5.5 under oVirt 3.5, i.e. nested virtualization?
I don't know about ESXi 5.5, but I was just recently able to run Hyper-V under oVirt. Look for my thread on "Hyper-V in a guest". I did have to reboot the host for the module parameters to take effect when all was said and done.
Basically, you install 'vdsm-nestedvt' on your hosts. It should be in the repos for your distro, if you are running CentOS6 or above.
Once installed, reboot your host, as there is a parameter that needs to get passed to the kvm_* module when it loads to allow nested KVM.
Once you have rebooted, go to your Hosts tab and look in :Host Hooks"; you should see something like this:
before_vm_start 50_nestedvt
I hope this helps.
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