
I've got the same exact problem as in this thread:


(sorry for not answering there but I've just subscribed). The error (for the record) is:

Failed to execute stage 'Setup validation': hostname 'vm01.mydomain.tld' doesn't uniquely match the interface 'bond0' selected for the management bridge; it matches also interface with IP set(['']). Please make sure that the hostname got from the interface for the management network resolves only there. is set on bond1 and is used for the glusterfs network. The python output is:

python -c 'import socket; print(socket.gethostbyaddr(""));'
('glu-ovirt01.storage', [], [''])

which obviously is completely different from vm01.mydomain.tld.
So, I don't really get this error. I've used glu-ovirt01.storage:/engine as the glusterfs entry point for storing the engine image, that's all.

Any idea on how to fix the error?


Davide Ferrari
Senior Systems Engineer