
If this happens again, try doing nothing (seriously)  Each time I've had a power failure, the engine takes a really long time to come back up.  I don't know if it's by design or what.  Host logs are flooded with errors, everything seemingly storage related. However, my Gluster setup is on fast SSDs and gets back and running pretty much straight away. It takes maybe 5 minutes for the nodes to re-join and the volumes to show 'UP' with no heals.  However, it still takes the hosted-engine a good hour or two to simmer down and finally start up. 

Sometimes I try to help by restarting ha-broker and ha-agent, or plunking in other random commands from the mess of documentation, but it seems to sort itself out on its own time, regardless of my tinkering. 

I wish I could get more insight into the process, but definitely, doing nothing and waiting has been the most successful troubleshooting step I have taken. 


On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 11:32 AM Seann G. Clark via Users <> wrote:



After a power failure, and generator failure I lost my cluster, and the Hosted engine refused to restart after power was restored. I would expect, once storage comes up that the hosted engine comes back online without too much of a fight. In practice because the SPM went down as well, there is no (clearly documented) way to clear any of the stale locks, and no way to recover both the hosted engine and the cluster.


I have spent the last 12 hours trying to get a functional hosted-engine back online, on a new node and each attempt hits a new error, from the installer not understanding that 16384mb of dedicated VM memory out of 192GB free on the host is indeed bigger than 4096MB, to ansible dying  on an error like this “Error while executing action: Cannot add Storage Connection. Storage connection already exists.”

The memory error referenced above shows up as:

[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Available memory ( {'failed': False, 'changed': False, 'ansible_facts': {u'max_mem': u'180746'}}MB ) is less then the minimal requirement (4096MB). Be aware that 512MB is reserved for the host and cannot be allocated to the engine VM."}

That is what I typically get when I try the steps outlined in the KB “CHAPTER 7. RECOVERING A SELF-HOSTED ENGINE FROM AN EXISTING BACKUP” from the RH Customer portal. I have tried this numerous ways, and the cluster still remains in a bad state, with the hosted engine being 100% inoperable.


What I do have are the two host that are part of the cluster and can host the engine, and backups of the original hosted engine, both disk and engine-backup generated. I am not sure what I can do next, to recover this cluster, any suggestions would be apricated.






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