On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Joseph Kelly <Joseph.Kelly@tradingscreen.com> wrote:

I've have a hosted engine thats up and running on a host called hosted-engine1. I installed hosted-engine2 via the webadmin gui but am unable to fail-over the hosted-engine.
However hosted engine-hosted2 is being sensed as a node in the default cluster and I have enabled HA reservation, as per this mail:


But is power management essential for hosted engine clustering ? 

By default when you add an host in webadmin gui, it doesn't configure the host as hosted engine host, but simply as host, so it cannot take in charge the engine VM.
I opened a bugzilla to warn if only one host configured so and also to change default

In the mean time you can reinstall host and in the relevant tab "Hosted Engine" select "Deploy" choice
