Unifying (parts of) engine and vdsm commit templates.

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Mon Aug 20 10:37:10 UTC 2012

Hi All,

Recently, we've been doing some thinking on commit message templates.
It seems that for commit subjects, vdsm is using a general concept of-
BZ#??????? some message

Whilst for the engine, we have something like:
<core | restapi | tools | history | engine | userportal | webadmin>: short summary under 50 chars (#xxxxxx)

Since several people are looking at writing some scripts to extract BZ numbers
from commit messages, I'd like to propose a minor change both for vdsm and engine,
which should benefit both projects.

The change, originally suggested by Alon Bar-Lev, is to remove BZ reference from
commit subject, and add it to the message body as "Bug-Id: BZ#?????? description".

* For engine, we'll have-
<core | restapi | tools | history | engine | userportal | webadmin>: short summary under 50 chars

 (message body)

    Bug-Id: BZ#888888 dummy bz1
    Bug-Id: BZ#888889 dummy bz2
    Bug-Id: BZ#888890 dummy bz2
    Change-Id: Ixxxxx
    Signed-off-by: Igor Lvovsky <ilvovsky at redhat.com>
    Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/8888
    Reviewed-by: Dan Kenigsberg <danken at redhat.com>


* and for vdsm-
    networking: Fix some issue

 (message body)

    Bug-Id: BZ#888888 dummy bz1
    Bug-Id: BZ#888889 dummy bz2
    Bug-Id: BZ#888890 dummy bz2
    Change-Id: Ixxxxx
    Signed-off-by: Igor Lvovsky <ilvovsky at redhat.com>
    Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/8888
    Reviewed-by: Dan Kenigsberg <danken at redhat.com>


As you can see, with this change:
1. We have more space for commit text;

2. We can document easily several bugs;

3. It is clear what bugs we solve as the description is embedded;

4. It is easy to automate fetching bug ids from commit message;

5. A commit msg hooks can be easily implemented to fetch the bug description and embed description.

Any objections?


Currently this is suggested for engine and vdsm projects.
Other projects are invited to adopt this proposal, but it's completely optional.

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