[oVirt][Quantum] question about quantum CLI

Kris zhang zhang.kris at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 07:49:49 UTC 2012

Hi Kotton,

Thank your very much, and i still have a question:

There is a quantum.py file in the gkotton-vdsm_quantum-78427ca.zip. I saw
there are some methods (For example: vifAddOpenVswitch() ) to call
ovs-vsctl command, that means vdsm will control the ovs, not through ovs
quantum agent?

The ovs quantum agent code is in the

[image: Inline image 1]

Please see above the image, and there are two ways:

First way: 1a, 2a, 3a.
Second way: 1b, 2b

which way is used in POC?

Best regards,

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Gary Kotton <gkotton at redhat.com> wrote:

> **
> On 06/13/2012 11:57 AM, Kris zhang wrote:
> Thanks for you detail answer, and please see the result of the command
> quantum update_port,
> The command "quantum update_port" sets the state of the port. In the case
> of the ovirt.sh script this sets the port in ACTIVE state.
> The "user" is responsible for providing the attachment ID. In the case of
> the ovirt.sh script the ID is generated via uuidgen.
> Once you have generated a UUID for the attachment you need to pass this to
> quantum via the "quantum plug_iface".
>  [image: Inline image 1]
>  I run this script from the shell, and you can see there is no an
> attachment UUID created. Can you show me your testing result?
> Please see below:
> openstack at openstack:/tmp$ ./ovirt.sh network create Q_net
> openstack at openstack:/tmp$ ./ovirt.sh port create Q_net 12345678
> Updated Logical Port with ID: f9f203ab-dab6-4b9c-8dcf-561bcc698c76
> on Virtual Network: 8c50db01-54ef-4688-a274-9ab3fcfafe7d
> for tenant: default
> Plugged interface 24bf26c4-f8eb-46cd-a168-b7a25e64d5b2
> into Logical Port: f9f203ab-dab6-4b9c-8dcf-561bcc698c76
> on Virtual Network: 8c50db01-54ef-4688-a274-9ab3fcfafe7d
> for Tenant: default
> openstack at openstack:/tmp$
> openstack at openstack:/tmp$ ll
> total 40
> drwxrwxrwt  4 root      root      4096 2012-06-13 05:39 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 23 root      root      4096 2012-05-26 06:39 ../
> -rw-rw-r--  1 openstack openstack    6 2012-06-13 05:38 network.12345678
> -rw-rw-r--  1 openstack openstack   37 2012-06-13 05:38 network.Q_net
> -rw-rw-r--  1 openstack openstack   37 2012-06-13 05:38
> network.Q_net.12345678.port
> -rw-rw-r--  1 openstack openstack   37 2012-06-13 05:38
> network.Q_net.12345678.port.attach
> -rwxrwxrwx  1 openstack openstack 2097 2012-06-13 05:07 ovirt.sh*
> -rw-rw-r--  1 openstack openstack 1797 2012-06-13 05:38 ovirt.txt
> openstack at openstack:/tmp$ cat network.Q_net.12345678.port.attach
> 24bf26c4-f8eb-46cd-a168-b7a25e64d5b2
> openstack at openstack:/tmp$
> Thanks
> Gary
>  BR,
> Kris
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Gary Kotton <gkotton at redhat.com> wrote:
>>  Hi Kris,
>> Please see my answers and questions below.
>> Thanks
>> Gary
>> On 06/13/2012 07:31 AM, Kris zhang wrote:
>> Hi Kotton,
>>  In the file ovirt.sh, there is a line:
>>  A bit of background regarding the script. The purpose of the POC was to
>> show that Quantum can be run in oVirt. It would have been ideal to write a
>> REST client that could interface with the Quantum service. Due to the fact
>> that I was not familiar with the oVirt code I felt that a quicker and more
>> productive means was to invoke a bash script from the oVirt engine code.
>> The script would invoke the quantum cli (this is a client that configures
>> the quantum server). In addition to this I did not want to make any changes
>> to the database schema. The result was a script that does the following:
>> 1. Logical Network Management:
>>     Create:
>>         ovirt.sh network create <name>
>>             - the name is the name of the logical network (in the POC
>> this is prefixed by "Q_"
>>             - this invokes the cli to create a network called <name>
>>             - the UUID returned by the quantum service will be save in
>> /tmp/network.<name>
>>             - the above UUID is read when this logical network is used
>> (this in the future will be save in the oVirt data base)
>>     Delete:
>>         ovirt.sh network remove <name>
>>             - the name is the name of the logical network (in the POC
>> this is prefixed by "Q_"
>>             - this invokes the cli to delete a network called <name>
>>             - the file /tmp/network.<name> is deleted
>> 2. VM Port management
>>     Create:
>>         ovirt.sh port create <net_name> <vmid>
>>             - the network name and the vm id are input (the VM id is a
>> key to be able to delete it all :))
>>             - the script does the following:
>>                 - creates a port on the network. saves the port id in
>> /tmp/network.<name>.<vmid>.port
>>                 - sets the state of the port to ACTIVE
>>                 - creates an attachment ID (this is the line that you had
>> problems with). This is saved in /tmp/network.<name>.<vmid>.attachment
>>                 - saves the network name in a file /tmp/network.<vmid>
>>                 - the UUID's are read when the VM is started so that they
>> can be passed to VDSM
>>     Delete:
>>         ovirt.sh port remove <vmid>
>>             - using the vmid the network name is read => enables us to
>> get all of the ID's to delete port in quantum
>>             - cleans all of the files
>> The script is called from the ovirt engine. Sorry for the long winded
>> explanation.
>>  quantum update_port default $NET_UUID $PORT_UUID state=ACTIVE
>>                 uuidgen > /tmp/network.$3.$4.port.attach
>>  ATTACH_UUID=`cat /tmp/network.$3.$4.port.attach`
>>  In Quantum the attachment ID is generated by the user. The code above
>> generates the attachment ID for the port.
>>  But i run this command, i found there is no any uuid generated, so
>> what's the value of the ATTACH_UUID?
>>  Do you run the script from the shell or is this run via oVirt?
>> There is a log of all of the script command - can you please look in
>> /tmp/ovirt.txt - this may give us some clues.
>> You can run the script commands as described above. This may also help.
>> Thanks
>> Gary
>>  Best regards,
>> Kris
>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Gary Kotton <gkotton at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>  On 06/12/2012 12:36 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>>> On 06/12/2012 11:47 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:
>>>>> Hi Kris,
>>>>> Thanks for the questions. Please see my inline answers. I have also
>>>>> cc'ed the ovirt arch mailing list.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Gary
>>>>> On 06/12/2012 11:21 AM, Kris zhang wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Gkotton,
>>>>>> I have some questions:
>>>>>> 1) In the file "ovirt.sh", i found the command quantum always use the
>>>>>> tenant "default", so if the ovirt don't support multi-tenant?
>>>>> oVirt does not support multi tenancy at the moment. Maybe there are
>>>>> people on the list who can provide more details about this. The initial
>>>>> plan was to use the "default" tenant.
>>>> ovirt supports multiple users and an RBAC model for permissions between
>>>> these users.
>>>> what exactly are you looking for?
>>>  Quantum support multi tenancy. The integration with oVirt was done
>>> with the "default" tenant. This is a different model to that of oVirt.
>>> Thanks
>>> Gary
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