revised download page mockup

Jason Brooks jbrooks at
Wed Sep 12 18:17:15 UTC 2012

On 09/12/2012 11:04 AM, Garrett LeSage wrote:

>> If we're going for simplicity, we may want to go with the
>> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone as the suggested package to
>> install. This way, you come out of these directions ready to create
>> and run VMs. For a complete setup, it may be that the steps required
>> are too many to include on this page. We could link to the quick start
>> guide here:
> That's the intent of the original download mockup:
> &
> Info:
>  From my understanding, it'll take effort from multiple people to get
> the all-in-one install ISO working how we want it to.

This is different from ISO -- I'm talking about the all-in-one 
engine-setup plugin that's currently available. Right now, you can 
install the package "ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-allinone" which pulls in 
all the same stuff as ovirt-engine, but adds the option, in the 
engine-setup script, to make your engine also be a virtualization host.

With the regular setup, you come out of the script with the engine, a 
default data center, and an (optional) iso domain running on the engine 
machine. You then have to go create a data domain and add a host before 
you can use ovirt.

The AIO plugin adds a local data domain, and configures the engine to 
host VMs, so when you first visit the web console, you're ready to roll.

> For the time being, "other distros" just means having the management UI
> running on various platforms, and that everyone using oVirt is using
> Fedora/RHEL/RHEL-derivative doing the heavy lifting on the servers, right?
> What's the general plan & timeframe for getting VDSM et al. working
> cross-distro, so that all of oVirt can run everywhere?

I don't know the plan -- it'd be good to have a "things needed to enable 
multi-distro" page on the wiki. I'll try to start one.

> Garrett



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