Gerrit 2.5.4 upgrade

Allon Mureinik amureini at
Mon Jun 24 04:58:00 EDT 2013

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Itamar Heim" <iheim at>
> To: "arch" <arch at>
> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 10:06:04 PM
> Subject: Gerrit 2.5.4 upgrade
> just to sum up the highlights of upgrade from June 9th:
> - Gerrit was upgraded to 2.5.4
> - new REST API
> - Custom Dashboards
> - the inline email are now part of gerrit (we used to run a patched 2.4
>    version with them)
> - new prolog submit rules (still considering how can be best used)
My initial instinct is that this can be used to enforce "soft" policies we currently have in place.
E.g., by policy, we have different engine-core, engine-fronted and rest maintainers.
However, technically, these are all part of the oVirt Engine project, and, e.g., a core maintainer could give +2 and merge a patch that contains rest/frontend changes.
Seems like the problog submit rules can help overcome this.

> - the mirroring plugin (to is now a plugin (Thanks
>    David)
> - looking forward to gerrit 2.6 upgrade which promises "42x improvement
>    on git clone and git fetch"
Please, please, upgrade to 2.6 :-)

> (I also remember it was supposed to improve copying approval flags on
> rebase, but couldn't find the reference).
> Thanks,
>     Itamar
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