oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes :: 2011-11-30

Dor Laor dlaor at redhat.com
Thu Dec 1 08:50:00 UTC 2011

On 11/30/2011 10:41 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> * Upcoming event planning  (rbergeron, 15:08:43)

The next kvm forum 2012 will be in Barcelona on November.
If ovirt wishes to co-locate which IMHO makes allot of sense, you need 
to take an action with Linux Foundation NOW in order to reserve space.

+1 for co-locating it w/ kvm

>    * Robyn received word that we can have a full day room at the Red Hat
>      dev. conference in Brno in Feb. (17th/18th, not sure on exact day
>      yet)  (rbergeron, 15:10:18)
>    * ACTION: rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with
>      events where we should plan presence  (rbergeron, 15:11:00)
>    * ACTION: rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit,
>      etc.  (rbergeron, 15:11:43)
>    * waiting on FOSDEM to find out about availability for conference
>      session  (rbergeron, 15:13:25)
>    * is probably best to get basic planning for conferences done in the
>      next 2 weeks or so, people are working budgets.  (rbergeron,
>      15:14:47)
>    * Booth interest exists, but we need to see WHO CAN GO :) (for FOSDEM)
>      (rbergeron, 15:18:51)
>    * ACTION: cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for
>      use by others at events  (rbergeron, 15:20:46)
>    * LINK:
> http://www.ovirt.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Ovirt-WorkShop-Invitation.pdf
>      (quaid, 15:21:39)

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