non-coding sub-projects

Dave Neary dneary at
Tue Jul 10 09:36:05 UTC 2012

Hi Itamar,

On 07/10/2012 08:15 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> we already have the non coding documentation project by stephen gordon,
> though missing from that wiki i guess as an oversight

Funny you should bring this up - I just recently found the docs project 
Git repository - and was very surprised that it isn't listed at

In fact, the ovirt-docs Git repository is not mentioned at all on, as far as I can see. I would really like to see 
ovirt-docs mentioned on the projects page, as it is (in spite of being 
non-code) managed in the same way as the code projects.

What do you think?

Incidentally, I updated the Documentation page in the wiki yesterday to 
make it clearer that it is possible to get the docs without having an 
account on Gerrit:

I'm still figuring out how to generate XHTML docs with Publican so that 
I can read them, since that is not documented (at least not on, but one step at a time :)


Dave Neary
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards Team, Red Hat
Phone: +33 9 50 71 55 62

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