Following Up on LinuxCon Japan Workshop

Leslie Hawthorn lhawthor at
Wed Jun 13 22:14:34 UTC 2012

Hello everyone,

I'd like to collect feedback from everyone on last week's oVirt workshop 
at LinuxCon Japan. [0] Please reply back with comments by close of 
business this Friday, 15 June.

Once we have gathered feedback on list, I'll capture it on the oVirt 
wiki. We can then use what we've learned to help construct the agenda 
and other plans for other upcoming oVirt workshops at LinuxCons. [1]

If you know that you would like to volunteer as an instructor for future 
workshops or would like to suggest alternate content for the workshop, 
please include that in your feedback.

- Course Material
What sessions were most well received? Which ones require improvement? 
Any additional sessions we'd suggest?

- Audience Participation
How many attendees? How did the Q&A periods go? Would we like to prepare 
a post-event attendee survey? (I recommend we do the survey and can 
prepare some questions for the group if that's useful.)

- Developer/user traction resulting from engaging at workshop
Did this workshop help us to gain new developers or users? Reinforce 
relationships with existing community members?

- Promotion of the event, both before and after
What could be done to more effectively promote the event prior to the 
workshops? Videos and slides from the workshop should be posted on the 
LC Japan site tomorrow; what action would the community like to take to 
promote this content?

- A/V and Room Set up
Did the seating arrangements work well for the workshop format? Did the 
A/V work well, including the videotaping process?

- Food and beverage
Did the catered in lunch help to keep the flow of the workshop 
productive? Was the food of good quality and in keeping with the needs 
of attendee dietary constraints?

- Give aways
We did not produce attendee gifts for the oVirt workshop. Thoughts on 
whether this would be a welcome addition in the future? Suggestions for 
type of gift also welcome.

- Any other feedback

If it is preferable to discuss this feedback real-time, I will ask Mike 
Burns to give us more time for this topic during next week's oVirt IRC 

[0] -
[1] -


Leslie Hawthorn
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat

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