What are you looking for from oVirt?

Dave Neary dneary at redhat.com
Fri Jun 15 10:23:31 UTC 2012


On 06/13/2012 04:28 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
> So - how are you using oVirt? Why did you choose it over alternatives?
> What do you like about it? and what would you like to see change,
> whether that is in terms of technical, process, or marketing changes?
> I'm here to help, but to do so I need your help first!

Thank you to all those who have replied, on and off list, so far. For 
those of you who sent me private messages, I'll be (anonymously) 
collating your feedback and forwarding it on.

The range of users who have replied so far includes:
* Sysadmin at small web hosting business
* Cost-sensitive IT department of an unrelated industry
* Hosting provider specialising in HA
* Running a private cloud
* Test lab set-up considering for production deployment

And the top features you've cited are:
* Stateless hypervisor
* Ability to migrate VMs
* RHEL and KVM
* Cost
* The ability to have your preferred OS as both hypervisor and guest as 
a first class citizen
* Aimed for data center use-case rather than cloud

And the top gaps you've identified so far:
* Insufficient resources (docs) to help with production deployment on 
* Difficulty of configuration and getting started
* You'd like to see a more diverse contributor community
* Stability (unfortunately, I don't have any concrete examples of this 
from the commenter)
* History on resource usage in hypervisors and guests
* Integration with Gluster
* Offer choices of guest agents with other distributions than RHEL

This is all giving me great insight into who's here - please keep it coming!


Dave Neary
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards Team, Red Hat
Phone: +33 9 50 71 55 62

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