oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-10-31

Mike Burns mburns at redhat.com
Wed Oct 31 15:03:03 UTC 2012

Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-10-31-14.00.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-10-31-14.00.txt
Log:            http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-10-31-14.00.log.html

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:13 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-10-31-14.00.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call  (mburns, 14:00:25)

* Next Release  (mburns, 14:03:36)
  * 2 weeks until Dev Freeze  (mburns, 14:03:49)
  * 6 weeks until estimated GA  (mburns, 14:04:06)
  * LINK: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.2_release-management
    (mburns, 14:05:01)
  * ACTION: itamar to have someone test F17 + oVirt 3.1 upgrade to F18
    to see if it works  (mburns, 14:40:40)
  * AGREED: we should target F18  (mburns, 14:41:13)
  * ACTION: mburns to take F17/F18 and upgrade discussion to arch@
    (mburns, 14:43:22)

* Workshops  (mburns, 14:44:16)
  * lh and jb_netapp to meet next week to discuss NetApp workshop in
    January  (mburns, 14:45:42)
  * room being setup for 50 people for Thursday/Friday  (mburns,
  * BOFs for after hours for post-3.2 roadmap and informal board meeting
    (mburns, 14:47:32)
  * hand out ready for the booth with oVirt related content  (mburns,
  * some giveaways from previous conferences are ready for the booth
    (mburns, 14:48:55)
  * USB keys to arrive Monday  (mburns, 14:49:04)
  * some last minute schedule and abstract updates are getting sent to
    LF today  (mburns, 14:51:35)
  * Barcelona is Sold Out!  (mburns, 14:51:48)
  * Bangalore wrap up  (mburns, 14:51:57)
  * avg rating 4 out of 5 for the workshop  (mburns, 14:52:55)
  * 10 respondents out of 50 people  (mburns, 14:53:11)

* sub-project report infra  (mburns, 14:56:07)
  * Wiki upgrade complete  (mburns, 14:57:47)

* other topics  (mburns, 14:58:44)

Meeting ended at 15:01:19 UTC.

Action Items
* itamar to have someone test F17 + oVirt 3.1 upgrade to F18 to see if
  it works
* mburns to take F17/F18 and upgrade discussion to arch@

Action Items, by person
* itamar
  * itamar to have someone test F17 + oVirt 3.1 upgrade to F18 to see if
    it works
* mburns
  * mburns to take F17/F18 and upgrade discussion to arch@
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mburns (83)
* itamar (34)
* dneary (27)
* quaid (5)
* ovirtbot (3)
* jb_netapp (1)
* eedri (1)
* mgoldboi (1)
* oschreib (0)

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