oVirt Weekly Meeting -- 2013-01-23

Mike Burns mburns at redhat.com
Wed Jan 23 15:33:05 UTC 2013

Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.txt
Log:            http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.log.html

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by mburns_ovirt_ws at 15:00:57 UTC. The full logs are
available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.log.html .

Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call  (mburns_ovirt_ws, 15:01:05)

* Release status  (mburns, 15:04:10)
  * vdsm and engine rpms are posted to ovirt-beta repo  (mburns,
  * testing is ongoing with ovirt-node  (mburns, 15:04:43)
  * hope to have ovirt-node packages and image uploaded and beta
    announcement sent today  (mburns, 15:05:10)

* workshops  (dneary, 15:08:24)
  * Sunnyvale workshop on now. 90 registered, ~70 attendees for day 1
    (dneary, 15:08:51)
  * Dates for Shanghai workshop in Intel's campus there have been pushed
    back  (dneary, 15:09:29)
  * Shanghai workshop will now happen on May 8-9, 2013  (dneary,
  * Call for participation and registration for that workshop will go
    online next week  (dneary, 15:10:38)
  * oVirt Board meeting during the NetApp workshop is planned for
    tomorrow, Thursday 24 Jan. Remote attendance is possible - please
    contact dneary at redhat.com or lhawthor at redhat.com to attend remotely
    (dneary, 15:13:33)
  * Board meeting starts at 09:00 AM PST, 17:00 UTC  (mburns, 15:16:38)

* Infra update (quick)  (mburns, 15:17:15)
  * <quaid> we've got *both* sets of servers & I'll be distributing
    access to the Infra maintainers later today so work can continue in
    my absence  (mburns, 15:17:38)

* Release Status (continued)  (mburns, 15:18:02)
  * Q from aglitke -- will we have a 3.2 ovirt on a stick?  (mburns,
  * A - yes, it's already in use at the workshop right now  (mburns,
  * next step is to get it into a jenkins build to build it daily
    (mburns, 15:19:07)
  * question from linex about upgrades -- will it be a simple package
    update to go from 3.1 to 3.2?  (mburns, 15:19:34)
  * answer -- no, 3.1 runs on F17 and 3.2 on F18, so there is an OS
    upgrade involved as well as running engine-upgrade  (mburns,
  * upgrade from 3.2 beta to 3.2 GA *should* be more smooth  (mburns,
  * Proposal -- since we don't have beta ready yet, slip test day from
    24-Jan to 29-Jan and GA from 30-Jan to 06-Feb  (mburns, 15:24:12)
  * question -- release note status  (mburns, 15:25:16)
  * sgordon and cheryn tan are coordinating  (mburns, 15:25:29)
  * maintainers need to be responsive is asked for info from them if we
    hope to have them available on time  (mburns, 15:25:48)
  * should have a draft ready for the 29th  (mburns, 15:26:13)
  * AGREED: release date to slip 1 week to 06-Feb and test day to 29-Jan
    (mburns, 15:27:40)

* Other Topics  (mburns, 15:29:40)

Meeting ended at 15:32:24 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mburns (60)
* dneary (20)
* aglitke (19)
* mburns_ovirt_ws (7)
* sgordon (5)
* linex (5)
* ovirtbot (4)
* Rydekull (2)
* quaid (1)
* dustins (1)
* oschreib (0)

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