[Engine-devel] jaxb annotations

Laszlo Hornyak lhornyak at redhat.com
Fri Dec 16 10:24:49 UTC 2011


I ran into some jaxb-annotated beans in engine, and the annotations seemed to be a bit unsettled.
- Some annotations are on the field, some on the getter.
- I have also found a case where the setter is private, it is actually dead code. I was puzzled for a minute :-) It seems in this case jaxb actually sets the value through reflection, so the setter really is dead code.
- Some annotations state name, others just build on the defaults

Is there an agreement for the annotations?

It would be great if we could annotate the getter always and use a proper name in the @XmlElement annotation even if it is equal to the default, so it is less likely to break at refactoring.


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