[Engine-devel] REST session management

Yaniv Kaul ykaul at redhat.com
Mon Apr 16 14:34:40 UTC 2012

On 04/16/2012 03:31 PM, Geert Jansen wrote:
> On 04/16/2012 01:03 PM, Yaniv Kaul wrote:
>>> So (unless someone objects) let's go for option #2 (using the Prefer
>>> header on each and every request, and release the session once it is
>>> not there).
>> My only objection is that you implement a draft spec and implement a
>> header without even bothering to register it - or asking if there is
>> such an identical-purposed header with a different name which may get
>> registered / is already in use somewhere.
> This is somewhat of a red herring though.
> HTTP Prefer was created exactly for the purpose of indicating a 
> preference for a certain behavior of response. Have a look at section 
> 9.1.1 of the draft RFC for the initial preferences and you'll see the 
> preferences that are already registered.
> HTTP Prefer also defines a registration process for the possible 
> values of this header. The process requires an email to 
> preferences at ietf.org with a 14 day response time.
> The alternative to HTTP Prefer would be creating a new header (as i am 
> not aware of any other /approved/ header that fits the bill). This 
> requires writing an RFC and get it approved, which would take much 
> longer, and which would likely get the comment of "Why aren't you 
> using Prefer".

I'm more worried about "persistent-auth" than 'prefer'.  We could always 
contact the draft author (jasnell at gmail.com) and ask for his opinion.

> Even if HTTP Prefer, for whatever reason, unexpectedly does not become 
> a standard, i think in practice this does not impact us in any way.
> Regards
> Geert

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