[Engine-devel] Moving to Jboss AS7

Jon Choate jchoate at redhat.com
Fri Jan 20 12:28:50 UTC 2012

On 01/15/2012 04:05 AM, Oved Ourfalli wrote:
> Hey all,
> The patches are now pushed!
> So please, if you fetch from now on you'll have to perform the actions below.
> The wiki was updated as well.
> Short list of steps:
> 1. Download jboss 7.1.0 Beta1b (wget http://download.jboss.org/jbossas/7.1/jboss-as-7.1.0.Beta1b/jboss-as-7.1.0.Beta1b.tar.gz)
> 2. Fetch the latest changes from our git repository
> 3. Change the Jboss home to the new path, both in the JBOSS_HOME
> environment variable, and in maven settings file
> (~/.m2/settings.xml)
> 4. Build the engine, with profiles "dep" and "setup". This will put
> all the proper configuration files, postgresql driver and make all
> the other needed changes in Jboss in order to make it work properly
> mvn clean install -Psetup,dep .......
> 5. In order to run Jboss go to JBOSS_HOME/bin and run ./standalone.sh
> A more descriptive set of steps and notes can be found in my previous E-mail below.
> I'm here if you need any help.
> Thank you,
> Oved
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Oved Ourfalli"<ovedo at redhat.com>
>> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 2:57:19 PM
>> Subject: Moving to Jboss AS7
>> Hey all,
>> The code changes required to make the engine work on Jboss AS7 will
>> soon be push
>> It will, of course, require you to install it, and start working with
>> it :-)
>> A separate E-mail will be sent to notify you all once pushed, and
>> then you'll have to perform the following steps:
>> 1. Download jboss 7.1.0 Beta1b
>> (http://download.jboss.org/jbossas/7.1/jboss-as-7.1.0.Beta1b/jboss-as-7.1.0.Beta1b.tar.gz)
>> - There is a newer version, but it has issues in the REST-API, so we
>> decided to work with the beta version until a proper fix will be
>> released.
>> 2. Fetch the latest changes from our git repository
>> 3. Change the Jboss home to the new path, both in the JBOSS_HOME
>> environment variable, and in maven settings file
>> (~/.m2/settings.xml)
>> 4. Build the engine, with profiles "dep" and "setup". This will put
>> all the proper configuration files, postgresql driver and make all
>> the other needed changes in Jboss in order to make it work properly
>> mvn clean install -Psetup,dep .......
>> 5. In order to run Jboss go to JBOSS_HOME/bin and run ./standalone.sh
>> 6. Look inside the JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf file in order to
>> enable jboss debugging (just uncomment the line
>> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n")
>> 7. If you have a krb5.conf file you are working with, put it in
>> JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration directory
>> 8. Run Jboss (and be impressed by the startup speed!)
>> The above will be also added to the wiki page for building the engine
>> as soon as the patches will be pushed upstream.
>> Some facts about Jboss 7:
>> 1. It supports both standalone deployment, and domain deployment. We
>> use the standalone one.
>> 2. Stuff related to the standalone mode can be found in the
>> JBOSS_HOME/standalone directory:
>>   * configuration - contains the main configuration file called
>>   standalone.xml file, plus some other configuration files
>>   * deployments - that's where your deployments should be. When adding
>>   a new one, don't forget to create a file called
>>   "<deployment-name>.dodeploy" in order to make it deploy.
>>   * log - that's where the log files are written (unless stated
>>   differently in the standalone.xml file).
>> 3. The different modules that come with Jboss 7 are located in
>> JBOSS_HOME/modules directory
>>   * No more common/lib directory.
>>   * Every module has a module.xml file which contains it's
>>   dependencies in other modules, the jars that are part of the
>>   module, and etc.
>>   * In order to use a dependency from there you have to add
>>   "Dependencies" section to your manifest file (do git grep
>>   "Dependencies" to take a look at some examples done in the engine
>>   source code).
>> 4. Useful links:
>>   * Documentation -
>>   https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Documentation
>>   * Class loading changes -
>>   https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Class+Loading+in+AS7
>>   * The Jboss community - http://community.jboss.org/wiki
>> Please send issues/feedback to this mailing list.
>> Thank you all,
>> Oved
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I didn't realize until now that these changes would prevent deploying to 
earlier jboss versions.  Is this intentional? I had thought we would 
continue supporting earlier versions and use profiles for deployments.

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