[Engine-devel] Naming convention in db upgrade script temporary functions

Eli Mesika emesika at redhat.com
Wed May 2 22:01:45 UTC 2012


>From now on, please use the prefix __temp_<function name> for temporary functions defined in a db upgrade scripts

The reasons are
1) Each time that you have to rename your upgrade script after sync with master you have to rename the function as well
2) As a result, may function are pushed with a wrong suffix (for example upgrade 03_01_0950 had a function name suffix of 08200)

Since the reason for that numbering was in the first place for avoiding dropping real installed functions, now you will have just to
put in a temporary function created in an upgrade script just the prefix "__temp_"

Hope that this will make handling upgrade scripts more accurate and less painful.

This was documented as well at the oVirt db upgrade wiki page:

http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt-database-upgrade-procedure (see section 1.5 Temporary Functions in Upgrade scripts)

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