[Engine-devel] Java Development Lifecycle

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Wed Aug 28 23:04:53 UTC 2013

On 08/27/2013 03:21 PM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>   # engine-setup --help
> Usage: /usr/bin/engine-setup
>      --log=file
>          write log to this file.
>      --config=file
>          Load configuration files.
>      --config-append=file
>          Load extra configuration files.
>      --offline
>          Offline mode.
>      --generate-answer=file
>          Generate answer file.
>      --jboss-home=dir
>          Use this jboss.
> Can you tell more precisely what is missing?
> BTW: I also curious why you need to re-run fresh setup over and over.

its clear from usage above how to generate an answer file from above, 
not how it would be used for a non-interactive setup?

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