[Engine-devel] REST API calls from the GUI

Michael Pasternak mpastern at redhat.com
Sun Feb 17 09:01:09 UTC 2013

On 02/15/2013 09:37 PM, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
>> > The first alternative can be implemented by using GWT RequestBuilder (for sending the HTTP requests)
>> > and GWT overlay types (that can be generated from java POJOs).
>> > Probably best performance-wise/less data type conversions/etc; However, basically means writing a JavaScript SDK.
> Yes, we can use RequestBuilder for making AJAX HTTP requests, but using GWT overlay types is possible only if REST API fully supports JSON format. In case of XML format, we would have to use GWT XMLParser to map "restapi-types" entities/collections to/from XML strings, e.g. we could write GWT deferred binding generators to generate such mappers from current schema.

REST API does not support JSON yet due to Resteasy JacksonProvider and JAXB issues.



Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D

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