[Engine-devel] [oVirt/RHEV 3.3 Localization Question #2] gluster hook stage "Pre" and "Post"

Yuko Katabami ykatabam at redhat.com
Wed Jul 31 06:01:20 UTC 2013

Hello all,

I am a Brisbane-based translator currently working on the oVirt/RHEV 3.3 
localization project along with 5 other translators.
I was suggested to post my localization-related questions to this 
mailing list instead of rhev-devel.

We often have difficulty in comprehending some strings or are unable to 
determine the usage of strings without knowing the context.
In order to translate software UI strings accurately, we need extra 
information from time to time.
It would be very much appreciated if any of you can help us by 
responding my email.

My question this time is about the following strings:
File: LocalizedEnums
Resource Ids: "GlusterHookStage___PRE" and "GlusterHookStage___POST"
Strings: "Pre" and "Post"
Question: Could anyone explain how these are used? In our language we 
need to know what comes after "Pre" and "Post", otherwise our 
translation would become "Front" and "Back" that would not make sense in 
this case.

Thank you.

Kind regards,



Yuko Katabami (?????)
Technical Translator II
NAATI Accredited Professional Translator (English into Japanese) #28138
RHCSA #111-119-244
*Mobile:* +61 415 847 352
*Email:* ykatabam at redhat.com

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