[Engine-devel] Features requests for the setup/configuration utilities - feedback requested

Alex Lourie alourie at redhat.com
Thu Mar 14 12:10:25 UTC 2013

Hi All

As we are working on the configuration utilities (engine-setup, 
engine-upgrade and engine-cleanup), we would like to get as much 
community involvement as possible. As such, we'd like to hear the 
wishes of the community in regards with those tools.

I've created a wiki page [1] where we will keep the list of feature 
requests. We would appreciate adding features to the list of by 
replying to this thread directly.

Please do not bugs to that list - the bugs should be resolved in due 
course according to their priorities and should not affect the features 
that we would like to implement.

Thank you.

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Engine-Config-Utilities


Alex Lourie
Software Engineer in RHEVM Integration
Red Hat

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