[Engine-devel] IMP: Regarding an issue while translating the error messages for gluster using ErrorTranslator class
Einav Cohen
ecohen at redhat.com
Wed Nov 6 14:10:09 UTC 2013
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexander Wels" <awels at redhat.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 8:28:13 AM
> Looking at the code, if you start the error message with a $ it will not do
> the . to _ replacement. Not sure if your error message will now simply start
> with a $, but it is worth a try I guess.
AFAIK: the '$' prefix is for variable-value message.
e.g. if you have a message "cannot run VM ${vm-name}" and another one "$vm-name vm1",
then their combination would eventually yield "cannot run VM vm1".
Also, I think that messages that begin with "$" cannot be displayed when they
are on their own.
i.e. if you will get message "$vm-name vm1" 'alone', nothing will eventually be displayed.
but, as I mentioned, if you will get message "$vm-name vm1" along with message "cannot run
VM ${vm-name}", eventually "cannot run VM vm1" will be displayed.
I think that the replacement of "." to "_" should be done only if the message
represents a *key* in the relevant resource (VdsmErrors in this case).
but if the message is not a key, and would be displayed as-is, on "." to "_" replacement
should take place.
adding Derez for his thoughts (I think that he changed something around it a while ago).
> On Wednesday, November 06, 2013 03:37:34 PM Shubhendu Tripathi wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > In the case of Gluster, as there are no one to one mappings available
> > for all the error messages from Gluster, we set the error in the
> > VdcFault object as NULL.
> > We also populate the actual error from the Gluster as error message in
> > the fault object.
> >
> > /getReturnValue().getExecuteFailedMessages().add(error);//
> > //getReturnValue().getFault().setMessage(error);//
> > //getReturnValue().getFault().setError(null);/
> >
> > Because of above settings and the below code snippet in /Frontend.java/
> > class the error message as is gets displayed on the error dialog -
> > /
> > //public String translateVdcFault(final VdcFault fault) {//
> > // return
> > getVdsmErrorsTranslator().TranslateErrorTextSingle(fault.getError() ==
> > null//
> > // ? fault.getMessage() : fault.getError().toString());//
> > //}//
> > /
> > Well and good till now !!
> >
> > But while translation of the error messages, all the occurrences of "."
> > get replaced with "_".
> > This causes an issue for the gluster errors. If the error message sent
> > from gluster has "."s (say IP Address of a host or FQDN for a host),
> > that also gets replaced with "_" and the error message does not look
> > correct.
> >
> > Request your suggestion for handling such a case.
> >
> > *PS: *One thing I can think of is, introducing a flag called
> > /isExternalError/ in /VdcFault/ class to identify if the source of the
> > fault is external. From Gluster we would set the flag as /true/, and
> > while replacement of "." with "_", if the flag is set it will not do the
> > replacements.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Shubhendu
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